Too many genres. That's pretty much it. Good drums, good...other samples...:|
If you're going to go down the road of dubstep, the drop at 1:19 was magnificent. lol :D
Too many genres. That's pretty much it. Good drums, good...other samples...:|
If you're going to go down the road of dubstep, the drop at 1:19 was magnificent. lol :D
Nah you're just in time :P.
It's another "transtep" in a way. Kind of like black hole. But I think this is going to be the last time I use dubstep as a lead.
Really relaxing tune :D Though the snare is out of place. I would use a different one. Apart from that, I'd have to say this is one of your best decoy :) You should be happy with the result :D Well done man! Keep it up :D
5/5 9/10
ty i believe its the best ive come up with so far and it will an up hill battle now that ive made this
Great little tune you have here :D
Mixing is particularly good. Keep it up!
8/10 5/5
thanks :)
it just kinda happened and i was like well i guess i could submit this
I agree with Solkrieg. Your lead is a bit too soft. Or atleast your second synth is a bit overpowering. Tone it down a bit. Also, the song does get a bit repetitive after a while, try switch it up a bit. Maybe make a distinct intro chorus and end.
8/10 5/5
thanks ill try to keep it in mind when i make more music
Nice tune! Very simple and easy to listen to. The drums are also pretty sweet, considering you made them yourself! :D
I think you can turn this into something BIG. Bring in some harmonies and counter melody and really build up to something. I think this is only half finished. EXPAND :DDD
8/10 5/5
I'm not fully sure how....
Great track, great mix. Can't say much else.
Keep it up man! 5/5 10/10
Thanks man :D
Flawless track! Except for one minor scratch. I think at 0:56 the voice clip kind of breaks up the build up. The suspense is released too early. In my opinion anyway. I would fix it up by just leaving it blank to build even more suspense. The chorus does come in a tad bit weak too (I think the voicing had caused this).
Overall, a great track once again! Just a minor bug, so to speak!
Great structure this time round (better than the dubstep version), perfect drums and a free feeling sidechain!
10/10 5/5
Keep it up mate!
Thanks for the helpful review! I'll look into that in the morning, as I am tired and currently playing minecraft XD.
Get some better drum samples. I think they were a bit too loud also. Try and "build up" your drum patterns. Start with a four to the floor pattern, and let it play out for 4 or 8 bars; THEN add a snare every 2nd and 4th beat, let that play 4 or 8 bars; THEN add in the hi hats - and so forth.
The melody you have going is quite nice. Easy to listen to.
Needs a bit of work.
6/10 5/5
thanks i actually completely forgot about making my drums come in right :) lol
also i know very much that i need new drum samples but i dont know what to get or where to get it so right now im still useing the presets :( if you know of one please tell ill try to get some new samples before i finish this
LOL and fived :D
You fixed the build up which is great! There isn't much of a build up, but the little low pass automations of the small harmonies just give the intro SO MUCH depth. I honestly can't believe how good it is. The is in perfect balance again, I don't know how you do it so well.
You timed the release of this song perfectly. All the 0bombing trolls must be in bed or something!
Did you try giving it to wobblecraft or kodubstep on Youtube??? If not, you MUST. This song -without a doubt- given a a bit of publicity (by youtube promoters) will get you signed, or atleast on a labels watchlist. Don't let it go to waste on NG. Just saying...
Breathtaking song. Love all the small details you've added to it.
10/10 5/5.
Thanks, as a matter of a fact yesterday I got a PM from a user of the owner of sent me a message asking to upload my Russian Privjet dubstep remix, I'll have to send this one to the other youtube promoters then if you really think so! ^_^
Fived it :)
The intro synth seems a bit harsh on the ear. Maybe breaking the intro up into 2 sections where it's under a low filter, then releasing into it's "now" state would work; not too sure though.
Oh and turn the bass down! LOL, or try modulating it with an LFO or Cutoff Filter. It sounds too overpowering and completely fills the song as it is. As if there's no room left for your drums or synths. Basically you've got the same problem as me, our mixdowns need a bit of work. But all aside, you've nailed the tune and the beat is nothing to complain about. So, great job here again!!! Keep it up, I can definitely see a future for you in music if you keep the practice up. - In all seriousness.
Nice job. 8/10 5/5
Thx. I'll be sure to fix that up.
Age 31, Male
Joined on 3/3/11